Monday, November 10, 2008

Sanglier (wild boar)

Here is, as promised, a visual representation of one of the wild boars I saw, the father boar to be exact. Now, at first glance you might wonder what makes this boar so wild. He might even look like a pretty respectable boar. Ah but it takes a discerning eye to pick a wild boar out from his respectable brethren.

Notice the bowler hat carelessly, nay rakishly perched on his head, as if to issue a subtle yet insolent challenge to any passers-by. On top of that he has chosen to wear a cravat without the accompanying shirt and waistcoat. A respectable boar, when donning neck wear alone, chooses a scarf or a "foulard" as it were. From these subtle clues we can conclude with confidence that this is in fact a wild boar, very wild indeed. If you ever happen to cross his path, it's best to keep moving as quickly as possible while avoiding eye contact. If he does address you though, respond politely and be especially sure to compliment his cravat.


craigman2099 said...

Dude, this is hilarious! very well done sir

Anonymous said...

dude i am starting my blog too! and am looking for a hand drawn image of a boar....can i use this? i will post a credit on my blog linking to yours