Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Monsieur le crapaud (Mr. Toad)

Yesterday I worked out on the back porch around ten in the evening while it was drizzling. There was a toad on the deck who, when I came outside, slowly hopped over onto the base of an umbrella, then watched me for the entire hour. I offered him the kettlebell in case he wanted to pump out a few reps, but he was too lazy. Madame Quétel says that he often comes to visit. When it is hot and dry in the summer, she puts out a little tub of water for him to swim in.

1 comment:

Kristin Sauter said...

I'm not going to lie, having a toad stare at me for a hour would definitely weird me out! You should take a picture next time so I can visualize how big and ugly it is! Good to see that you are trying to blog. Best of luck in France. Josh and I will miss having you around!