Friday, March 13, 2009

Carte de Séjour

I finally have my carte de séjour! A carte de séjour is a kind of residency card that allows me to stay in France and make an honest living without resorting to underhanded means of supporting myself, such as transporting contraband, or promoting Céline Dion concerts. Unfortunately the photo on my carte de séjour is awful. You see, in France, you are not allowed to show your teeth in photos used for official documents. I took this to mean I couldn't smile; this isn't true at all. I've since learned that it is quite possible to smile without showing your teeth, or at least to have an agreable expression. Suffice it to say that the expression I have in the photo is anything but agreable. With my current carte de séjour photo, I think my presence in France is actually less legitimate. I may well have to turn to a life of crime to match my newly minted identification. Sorry mom.

(Please note that I have chosen not to include a picture of my I.D. for reasons of security, and not because of any embarrassement it might cause me.)

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