Saturday, November 15, 2008


Tomorrow I am taking part in a régate, in English, a regatta : a rowing, speedboat, or sailing race or a series of such races. In this case it is a sailing race. Monsieur Quétel invited me to be on his crew. I told him this would be a great opportunity for me to try out my new peg-leg and eyepatch. I have so much pirate paraphernalia and so few opportunities to put it to good use. But Monsieur Quétel said it probably wasn't a good idea since his was a legitimate ship and we probably wouldn't have any time for pillaging anyway, being in a race and all. After much discussion we decided that I would leave my pirate gear at home but I could still call all my crew-mates "me harties." It was a good compromise. I'll let you know how it went tomorrow.

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