For those who have not read the comment attached to my last article, I here would like to dedicate a post entirely to its display. The following is an italian sonnet by my brother, Craig:
See how he stands by thought of death unswerved
upon the fine and verdant square Cambronne
its namesake rising from the earth in stone
by sacred kiss of history preserved
Hear as he cries out "vive Napoleon!"
"A challenge to you men of noble birth:
dare fight this blood you think of little worth?"
the highborn turn and answer: "nous osons!"
Now one steps out to wage for all the rest
draws sword and argues with its fatal prose
but falls to death as our man thrusts his own
up to the hilt inside that noble breast
and from the wound the filth of Eglon flows
a blood-price for the honor of Cambronne
(Note: The french in the eighth line translates: "we dare")